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Food blog with easy-ish recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and more.
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Strawberry Banana Smoothie with Cream

Easy strawberry season smoothie. Sweet banana, sun-ripened strawberries and heavy whipping cream. Comes together in no time! Enjoy.

#summer #drink #smoothie #strawberries #banana #vegetarian


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Cilantro Spread

Easy, tasty, spicy cilantro spread, perfect as an appetizer on a piece of bread or served with a good steak. Dangerously spicy!


#emkayskitchen #cilantrospread #dip #sauce #recipe #walnuts

Addicting Apple Rugelach

This little cookie is so addicting! The dough is flaky and buttery and they just disappear one after the other! If you've never had Rugelach before, here is the perfect recipe!


#emkayskitchen #rugelach #baking #cookies #christmas #applejam

Recipe for Apple Jam without Pectin

This recipe for apple jam without pectin is very easy. Just get some apples, sugar, and patience (need time for jam to thicken). That's all.


#emkayskithen #applejam #canning #recipe

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